Saturday, February 6, 2010


I got a new HDD yesterday =]. It was a WD Green Caviar, also got a case to put it in; nexstar 3.

I kind of failed putting the pieces together Dx, my case won't light up lol cause i dunno where to plug on of the cables :x

It didnt work at first cause i had to install drive lol. I didn't know what to do, luckily my friend was there to help me =].

p.s I can't get the counter to work Dx

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So I'm in year 11 and I go to an all boys school which has it ups and downs.

I'm having a little bit of trouble coping with school now, maths, english and business (well business feels boring so i lose my attention span =x <- a face btw xP)

My backs hurts atm =( the upper half feels sore.

God I'm so fail, I was gonna type more but I forgot the rest so that'll be it.

TTYL xoxo (LOL)