Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lifestyle deterioration because of technology

Being a person from Gen. Y, I have been (and still am) living through a time of extraordinary technological progression. I have witnessed the changes of the old blocky mobiles, to the slim black and whites, to the flips, to the slim and stylish smartphones; from the old big blocky monitors, to the condensed and slim monitors; to the super slow dial-up which was amazing during it's time, to adsl, adsl2(+), to cables; from chunky t.v.s, to plasma screens, to lcd screens and now to 3d & touch screens; from the progression of video tapes, to vcd, to dvd, to bluray; from floppy disks, to cd, to usb, to hard disks/drives.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that I live in an age where technology has drastically improved over the span of my life. Because the progression of technology has accompanied with my growth into an adult, I have slowly integrated it into my life. Technology is really like poison to me, slowly corroding me. It has really changed me. I used to be proactive as a child, well at least I did some form of exercise or movement but as time went on, technology became easier to access, and it has resulted in me holed up in my room for long hours at home, being anti-social, just sitting there on the computer.

The internet (access of) is probably one of the biggest addiction I have currently. It's because the internet is so vast and knows no bound. It is even possible to say it is a place where infinite amount of content and information have been shared whether it be personal/private or professional.

I'd rant on more but It's almost 4am and my mind is constantly blanking....... so I'll skip some rants..

Just want to rant a few words about our society and the next Gen, Gen Z. I'll start with Gen Z. Gen Z (and late Gen Y) have slowly begun to deteriorate as a result of social media and the internet. I mean, the music videos are pathetic - everyone acting all slutty, extreme exposure of skin... (Not that I dislike it ;] ). I mean our children would look up to singers and stars and if they'll try to imitate their image because it's "cool" (Monkey see, Monkey do...) Society is also getting lax with their coarse languages. I mean shows on t.v. that were suppose to be shown at 10pm when I was a kid being shown at 7-8pm when children are still awake. It's pathetic really. My lecturer (Main reason why I'm spewing all this crap) told me he conducted a survey during the past few years in his class, asking them "at what age would you let your children browse the internet independently" and interesting enough, the ages range slowly grew from 8-9 to 11-13 to 15 years of age. The reason why it's getting higher and higher is because we understand the content, the information, the amount of things that are able to be done online. The internet, our computers, even our phones have really become our virtual reality, our 2nd life - no, it can even be said that it has become an integral part of lives, almost an inherent feature of our lives. It is also interesting that children of very young age play on smartphones, or some form of technological device to entertain themselves.

Really, technology is a drug, a double-edged drug.

I had some epic quote I made on the spot but fuck, blanked out. I NEED SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP

Malcolm out!