Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bulding my Quotes

Ah just read a manga and saw a nice quote ;)

"The rain subsided, but - the storm in my heart was still raging"

And here's some other quotes I have:

"Heaven knows we need never be shamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlaying our hard hearts"


"When I play rock paper scissors, I always choose rock. then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, oh siht I’m sorry, I thought paper would protect you, you as$hole."

"Once upon a time"

p.s copied from FB LOL!

And a final one which is gonna sound so lame cause it's from an animation so unless you watch the animation it'll look like total sh!t

Here goes nothing:

"I was very, very loney but,
Before I could call out..
I realised I didn't have a name to call.
I called out for 'someone'.
I was calling in my heart.
And then you came.
Can you tell me your name?
Next time, I'll make sure to call it out loud."

I had heaps more quotes, and they were beautiful or funny or amazing or the combination but cause my comp formatted a while before I lost everything.. :( I use to have a folder named "random stuff" and i just chucked all my crap in there xD so that my desktop would look clean :P

Anyways I'm so tired so I'm gonna sleep

Nights and aterlays

Thursday, September 15, 2011

1 week left!

Only 1 Week left of school! I finish this time next week and then 3 weeks after I have my finals! Gonna move to the next phase of my life!

Gonna be sad tho cause I'm not gonna be seeing around 80% of the people I know... I'm only gonna be keeping in touch with the people i hang out...btw did I post this before? feels like I have.. might have been thinking about posting but forgot lol... I usually have so many ideas I want to post about but they never happen cause i Dont' bother with them lol.

My thumb and index on my left and are fking up..well the skin's so terribad

My school decided to make this time capsule thing and we're gonna open it 25 years later lol. I'm gonna write some lame, cheesy, sentimental letter to my future

Anyways blabber on w/ no meaning aterlays

*edit* I have fail fortitude... I ended installing sims 3 like 2 days later or something and WoW 3-4 days later and I'm currently playing it atm epic phailzors and as a certain some1 would say feelsbadman.jpeg