Monday, June 18, 2012

Late Night Sleeping Patterns

Hmmm........... Well, I've been sleeping really late recently (about a week or two, possibly more :S lol). I've been sleeping at 3-5am :/ I mean it's bloody 4:11am atm! I feel like I can do so much atm but I need sleep. Like this sleeping pattern has pretty much made my lunch my breakfast and dinner my lunch and I just starve all night/morning lol - so I pretty much miss out a meal everyday but I do eat snacks and foods in between which isn't good :X

Anyways, I've been thinking how awkward it'd be if my friends found my blog. I mean I shit talk so much (I think lol) and I talk about personal stuff and how I view things (I'm such a boring person IRL -.-) and I'm pretty sure in my earlier posts (maybe even this one!) I sound like a huge fking big faggot. I still remember the photo we took at Chris's house where I tried to copy Vernon's pose. One thing I regret in life. fah. Biggest. Fucking. Faggot. So ashamed of that photo >.>

I also remember searching my quote son FB brings you here. That's pretty fked lol. (*edit* just tried searching and nothing came up hahaha! they changed it!)

I was gonna talk more but it's 4:28 atm and I reeally need to sleep as I'm gonna be waking up at 8 today... LMAO!

GOOOD NIGHHHTS !!! (or good morning ;) )

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Semester 2 HERE I COME!

CHYEA BOI! I made it!!! Passed all my exams woooooooooo!! xD Feels good to know I passed! I was so afraid that I was gonna fail though. Alrightttttt!

Well, I gotta pick up my game on second semester though. Like properly do my shit and not last minute stuff, hopefully -_-.

Anyways, this was just a quick update on how I've been doing, and I am feeling great atm :D

Oh, and my allergic reaction (hmm, dunno if it's the right term for what I have atm) triggers when I sweat, that's fked. I tested it out today by doing a lap around the block and my hypothesis was true! Was gonna go gym but then this came up :/


Monday, June 11, 2012

End of Semester

Well I just finished my uni exams, although I kinda told my friends I'm doing them this week, maybe cause I wanna be like them, have a same environment as them..
In all honesty, I'm aiming for passes, not even counting on credit (maybe for Accounting) because of the lack of effort I put into studying. Pretty much as worse as HSC - all last minute studying... Well I hope I do good.

So at the moment, after finishing my exams, I've been doing nothing but laze around at home. I've been playing games, watching drama, reading manga but not watching anime. Idk it's too hard to watch because it feels melancholic for some reason. It's like a part of me wishes to go back to years before where I had a pleasurable time watching it without any worries. A bitter sweet memory or activity I use to do. It really pains my heart when I think about stuff like this, makes me feel weak and pathetic lol..

Anyways, Nowadays I've been sleeping at 3-4 and waking up at 1-4 (usually 1-3) and it's making me feel like I'm wasting my days. I mean 10-2 should be the prime time of the day and waking up at the end of prime just feels bad. Ughh.

Oh and I found sites where you can RP, like be a fictional character who does his own thing and with the combination of other characters develop a story, a novel even, about whatever! Pretty awesome but you kinda need exceptional english skills (Top adv eng and above) which I don't have :(. I was almost  able to develop decent literacy skills but you know, high school end and no one helps you anymore, no one but yourself. I bookmarked the sites, thinking I will check them again someday, hopefully I do. These things take lots of time and effort which hopefully I can dedicate to.

Well I was gonna talk about remembering and going back to things I'd previously done in more detail but I guess I did kinda touch a bit of the topic in this post. Was gonna talk a lot more but since this post is long, I'll leave it to another day (Original Title of the Post was 'The Past, The Present, and The Future'; sounds pretty epic :P)

Bloody 4am (4:08 took me 20 minutes to write this haha) Anyways, Goodnight!

Malcolm Out!

p.s fking 4:14am.. (re edits 4:18 -.-") zoned out hard reminiscing about my pasts post.. fahh

p.p.s am i doing it right? Anyways, lol, I have an allergy but Idk what it is.. And I just acquired it recently. My skin grows lumps everywhere around my body and it goes red, almost as bad, well just as bad as my finger blister incident (My finger healed now but gosh, freaking nightmare when i had it)

p.p.p.s I've picked up drama again, kinda slowed down on tv shows, manga is still low (not acquiring new mangas only reading ones I've marked), restarted Skyrim cause of Jims and Tully D: FUCK SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT IT's BLOODY 4:20AM FUCK