Monday, June 18, 2012

Late Night Sleeping Patterns

Hmmm........... Well, I've been sleeping really late recently (about a week or two, possibly more :S lol). I've been sleeping at 3-5am :/ I mean it's bloody 4:11am atm! I feel like I can do so much atm but I need sleep. Like this sleeping pattern has pretty much made my lunch my breakfast and dinner my lunch and I just starve all night/morning lol - so I pretty much miss out a meal everyday but I do eat snacks and foods in between which isn't good :X

Anyways, I've been thinking how awkward it'd be if my friends found my blog. I mean I shit talk so much (I think lol) and I talk about personal stuff and how I view things (I'm such a boring person IRL -.-) and I'm pretty sure in my earlier posts (maybe even this one!) I sound like a huge fking big faggot. I still remember the photo we took at Chris's house where I tried to copy Vernon's pose. One thing I regret in life. fah. Biggest. Fucking. Faggot. So ashamed of that photo >.>

I also remember searching my quote son FB brings you here. That's pretty fked lol. (*edit* just tried searching and nothing came up hahaha! they changed it!)

I was gonna talk more but it's 4:28 atm and I reeally need to sleep as I'm gonna be waking up at 8 today... LMAO!

GOOOD NIGHHHTS !!! (or good morning ;) )

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