Monday, November 22, 2010

One of those moments

This is one of those random moments.

Here's a quote :D

"When I play rock paper scissors, I always choose rock. then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, oh siht I’m sorry, I thought paper would protect you, you as$hole."

One of my favorite quotes, maybe i should try it one day haha :P

Soo I just had my 2u test and did silly errors and missed out simple questions :/
I think i got high 70s hopefully, luckily? :X god i suck

Like the night before (I went out to City during day [i know i shouldn't have but!! =3=]) I was browsing net *wink wink* yep reading manga haha.. what else? :P and then i wasted 4 hours. 4 hours went by just like that.. and then it was 3am.. I was like "FUCK" (in my head obviously, would've woken everyone up and get fked over literally) But the thing was.. I wasn't even tired lol. I was wide awake O_o

*edit* funny how i disregarded the fact that i wasted for hours and typed "But the thing was" as if saying "I'm not tired" is more important than wasting 4 hours haha

Speaking of sleeping once I slept very late.. forgot when lol but I'm sure I had an assignment due or some shit and I slept at 3. Only this time I was literally dead. My body felt so light when i dropped to my bed, I felt as light as a feather. My mind was only filled with voices saying "Fucken Malcolm, go to sleep..I need sleep..SLEEP..etc" When I laid down on my bed, I got slight headaches (not sure don't remember, coulda been light headed not headaches lol) and then i began hearing the buzzing noise. It was like the sound of the letter "e" eeeeeeeee... just repeating over and over. It was driving me insane. It was really loud but then after 10 minutes or 20 I fell alseep and woke up the next morning dead tired..

haha a random moment > random quote > stories of my life :D

p.s more randomness: don't you find it funny that when friends call you stuff you take it as a joke but when someone else says it you get pissed?

p.p.s even more randomness: Don't you find it funny when people say to others "You Mad?" or "Alright you're mad" I love those two phrases. It's like saying "Hey faggot, you think you're cool but you're not, you're just a douchebag"

p.p.p.s last random thing lol: this last one is a funny awesome thing. It's like a test to see if you're good at English (Applies to Australia only not sure about other countries):

SOOOO the test is...

Pronounce these four words:

First: Man

Second: Woman

Third: Men

Last: Women


SO how did you pronounce them they are pronounced as in following order

1. M-an

kk this bit is tricky

3. M-en

I bet you all got it wrong for the last one, I'm almost certain that you all would've said woo-man just like number 2! And that is incorrect!!

It's actually Wii-men
Like the console Wii and male - men

I've tried on several of my friends, even on my brother and they all failed lol.
You should try it on your friends see if they fail.. and remember don't tell them cause it's funny that they don't know their mistake :P

And I'm off Ciaosu

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