Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bloody Bus Driver

Right, I saw my bus and ran straight for it and when I got there waved my hand, signaling the driver to let me on as the door had just closed. Instead that Dickhead-and-a-half ignored me and continued to look forward and drove off.. What a fucking dickhet man

On a side note I uninstalled all my games in hoping that I could study but it's very difficult coping atm.. >.< Hopefully I can adapt by tmrw as time is of the essence

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I know this is kinda inappropriate and stuff and I'm not even suppose to be reading this right before my exam but I was reading manga and stumbled upon a NTR...and read it and......GOD I FUCKING HATE NTR! BIGGEST FUCKING RAGE EVAAAAAR FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

my mood meter just skyrocketed to RAGE! Argh.. Why do people have to make NTRs...horrible stuff I say, Horrible!

niiways laters...gonna head of to school soon for dah exam...just needed to blow of some of the NTR steam

p.s bloody NTR :/

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can't stop thinking..

I have a habit of reminiscing about the past whenever I'm alone or idle. I hate that habit but I can't stop myself thinking about the past..I usually think about the embarrassing moments and drown my face with my hands >.<

^ was just going through my youtube favourites and stumbled upon that. After listening to it, I felt depressed :/ and seeing it being posted 4 years ago made me realise how far I've gone and how different things were once then........

ANYWAYS fun fact about me... Sometimes I have mad random mindfucks and i become think i mentioned this in earlier posts but oh der werlls

*edit* I just wanna point out that I'm normal and not in any way mentally retarded or I know that it might sound like it but I'm not...ahaha...I sound very convincing don't I....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A break..

So I have a 5 day break before my next exam hurray! and my sleeping habit has fixed itself (supposedly) I slept a total of 14 hours last night and woke up at 10am lol. My back hurts a lot though lol

just a mini update lol

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tempo changed sleeping habits

So like I changed my sleeping habits this past week and basically it goes like this:

Sleep at 2-3pm in the afternoon
Wake up at 12-1am in the morning and supposedly study through dawn and go to school..

So right now I'm having my trials and I pretty much failed english / (going to) maths

other subjects seem fine..hopefully lol..

aaaand back to the sleeping habit thing.. so I'm suppose to study right? but I've been procrastinating :/ I usually start doing work at like 3ish.. and I don't do as much as I wanted.. which sucks :(

and I better get back to studying......

*edit* completely forgot lol.. This sleep habit of mine is gonna go back to normal after today as I got no tests/ school until next Wednesday. So after my test today I'm gonna go sleep and sleep til tmrw morn like probs 7am but I doubt I'll sleep that much, probs gonna wake up earlier

p.s that song i linked before.. sounds horrible It was a one time thing...Guess this is what haps if you listen to it a lot especially in repeat for hours :/ like i wouldn't recommend it at all.......

niiways i better go back and stop procrastinatingzoooors

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Far out lately I've been bludging so hard oh my I've got my trials tmrw and I can't even be fucked doing some work.. I got home from school today at 1 and procrastinated til now - 7pm wtffff

p.s so much shit has happened but I keep forgetting to post which leads me to forget the feeling/ what happened..

*edit* just read my previous post, i failed to change my sleeping habits. When my holidays came I kinda slept late 1am-ish and woke up at like 10-11 so yeh.. lol..