Friday, December 10, 2010


ahahaha you're funny

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Got Pwnt

I got owned hard, got my maths results back... Got 54% for 2u lol...

I also blanked out on my English test.. I sat there for 1 period (30ish mins) just staring at the paper.. I didn't even understand the question or the texts.. I full shit myself.. I ended up writing a sentence or two for each question; I'm gonna end up getting 10~20%.. I'm gonna either be dropped down to standard or moved to the other shit advanced class.. First time I blanked out, because I panicked I got stressed and just lost it..

Fahh on another matter: A while ago (within two years) I remember going out to city with my friends and like we were at market city outside galaxy world chilling. I didn't know this girl in the group - and she went to buy Easy way. So I was sitting on the far right side on the seats facing Galaxy world, I think and I saw the most disturbing and disgusting thing ever (exaggerated :X). Like sharing drinks is common and that's okay, mouthing is also okay too but mouthing AND sharing with SEVEN OTHER PEOPLE is not okay. That's just fucking disgusting. I was offered a sip by my friend Leon and I rejected him *out front* (doesn't feel like the right phrase). I said "Na It's okay.." It was horrible. The drink was past around literally in a circle..that's just not right, it's chat. Just thinking about the germs and saliva being transmitted around..ughh...
I will forever remember that disturbing incident. or at least remember it for a long period of time...

niiways laters

Monday, November 22, 2010

One of those moments

This is one of those random moments.

Here's a quote :D

"When I play rock paper scissors, I always choose rock. then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, oh siht I’m sorry, I thought paper would protect you, you as$hole."

One of my favorite quotes, maybe i should try it one day haha :P

Soo I just had my 2u test and did silly errors and missed out simple questions :/
I think i got high 70s hopefully, luckily? :X god i suck

Like the night before (I went out to City during day [i know i shouldn't have but!! =3=]) I was browsing net *wink wink* yep reading manga haha.. what else? :P and then i wasted 4 hours. 4 hours went by just like that.. and then it was 3am.. I was like "FUCK" (in my head obviously, would've woken everyone up and get fked over literally) But the thing was.. I wasn't even tired lol. I was wide awake O_o

*edit* funny how i disregarded the fact that i wasted for hours and typed "But the thing was" as if saying "I'm not tired" is more important than wasting 4 hours haha

Speaking of sleeping once I slept very late.. forgot when lol but I'm sure I had an assignment due or some shit and I slept at 3. Only this time I was literally dead. My body felt so light when i dropped to my bed, I felt as light as a feather. My mind was only filled with voices saying "Fucken Malcolm, go to sleep..I need sleep..SLEEP..etc" When I laid down on my bed, I got slight headaches (not sure don't remember, coulda been light headed not headaches lol) and then i began hearing the buzzing noise. It was like the sound of the letter "e" eeeeeeeee... just repeating over and over. It was driving me insane. It was really loud but then after 10 minutes or 20 I fell alseep and woke up the next morning dead tired..

haha a random moment > random quote > stories of my life :D

p.s more randomness: don't you find it funny that when friends call you stuff you take it as a joke but when someone else says it you get pissed?

p.p.s even more randomness: Don't you find it funny when people say to others "You Mad?" or "Alright you're mad" I love those two phrases. It's like saying "Hey faggot, you think you're cool but you're not, you're just a douchebag"

p.p.p.s last random thing lol: this last one is a funny awesome thing. It's like a test to see if you're good at English (Applies to Australia only not sure about other countries):

SOOOO the test is...

Pronounce these four words:

First: Man

Second: Woman

Third: Men

Last: Women


SO how did you pronounce them they are pronounced as in following order

1. M-an

kk this bit is tricky

3. M-en

I bet you all got it wrong for the last one, I'm almost certain that you all would've said woo-man just like number 2! And that is incorrect!!

It's actually Wii-men
Like the console Wii and male - men

I've tried on several of my friends, even on my brother and they all failed lol.
You should try it on your friends see if they fail.. and remember don't tell them cause it's funny that they don't know their mistake :P

And I'm off Ciaosu

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I am currently at CH

today i went to city to watch harry potter 7 :D it was great and all but then after the movie it was just fail.

Ham the organiser was fail srsly, like after movie finished ham colin vern just went k and ditched me jeff chub and srsly wtf u dont just ditch people for ur own sake :/

aaron went home, chubby was gonna go home but we decided to go CH and play L4D2, it's relieving my anger @_@

well hope dinner goes well :X

edit* it's all good, dinner was fun pat came for dinner and chubs stayed for dinner. Still kinda pissed at that incident tho :/

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Dayum, man just realised how pessimistic my posts are :O


Anyways, school's been alright, although I'm beginning to struggle, especially English; my language is terrible -_-

I stumbled upon this quote and it was epic! I've seen it before but i saw it again today and had to post it here :D

"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy.' They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life."

whooow - did someone just get snapped! haha so epic.

and oh yeah started HSC :O
gonna be tough this year, very tough!

One more thing! my left eye hurts, like beneath the eye.. :( apparently (according to the sleeping expert :P) i slept on my eye and thats why it hurts. It feels like someone punched it, feels swollen =.O <-- exaggerated face xD

niiways aterlays abybays :P

Friday, August 20, 2010

Meaning of Life

Recently I lost the meaning of life.. I no longer take school seriously.. I need tutor but I can't get one.. Sigh~

Like I don't even know what to do anymore.. What kind of subject am i suppose to study in uni? Most likely business as my brother is doing it atm.. just gonna follow his footsteps..

I feel like I'm wasting my life right now.. I have the potential to be the top but my laziness has put me on the bottom.. all my friends think I'm smart when I'm not @_@

Fuck.. I feel a bit better now.. Hope i get the meaning back soon.. Life is currently a bad joke to me..

One more thing: Time still passes real quick.. Not gonna get any slower anytime :/

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Time is flying like the wind >.>

After starting school in year 11 I've come to realise time flies. When I was a kid time was slow and kinda fun, always striving for a better tomorrow (lol wut?). I meant like when you're a kid you have fun running playing tips, hide'n'seek or whatever but now after finishing year 10 and going to year 11 there was a big jump. Days felt like hours, hours felt like minutes. Time was really fast and still is.
My theory is that when your a kid you have a fun slow time, an enjoyable time but as soon as the holidays are over and you start year 11 your life starts to accelerate like a iunno sports car (RX-7??) After getting married and settling down, probably time begins to slow down again when I'm in my 50's or 60's or even retired. And then I'm just gonna reminiscence about the past and yeh.. Don't like to think too far.

I'm still in my prime age!! Gotta have fun, and study too (lol i should be studying atm got test tmrw and wedns 1/2 yearly too >.>)

side note: wonder if msn will tell this blog to my friends lol, kinda dont want zem to know xD~

Anywayz TTYNT

Saturday, March 20, 2010


High school sure is hard, so much work to do, hope i can manage to keep up in year 12..

Starting to lose it due to family problems /facepalm

On to the bright side - Stay positive!!~ Fight!!

I went city yesterday and bought magic sponge balls ^^. Still having trouble doing the magic trick >.< (obviously lol i only practiced for 1 hour xD)

Gosh recently i got so addicted to maximum tune and it costs a lot too Dx. Kinda got broke cause of it =x.

Blog More whenever xD cyaz

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I got a new HDD yesterday =]. It was a WD Green Caviar, also got a case to put it in; nexstar 3.

I kind of failed putting the pieces together Dx, my case won't light up lol cause i dunno where to plug on of the cables :x

It didnt work at first cause i had to install drive lol. I didn't know what to do, luckily my friend was there to help me =].

p.s I can't get the counter to work Dx

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So I'm in year 11 and I go to an all boys school which has it ups and downs.

I'm having a little bit of trouble coping with school now, maths, english and business (well business feels boring so i lose my attention span =x <- a face btw xP)

My backs hurts atm =( the upper half feels sore.

God I'm so fail, I was gonna type more but I forgot the rest so that'll be it.

TTYL xoxo (LOL)

Saturday, January 23, 2010



Now on with my life..

On Boxing day i got a laptop for my birthday =] a dv6- 2005tx hp laptop pretty cool but i had to spend 6 hours with my dad to find the laptop, it was sold out everywhere >.<.

I got Modern warfare 2 on the same day. Pretty cool but i found out my PC couldnt handle it but luckily my laptop could yay!~ Played for some time and found many things that could be improved with the game. Infinity Ward sucks pretty bad imo.

Mum came back from china after new years.

Went BBQ with friends / went to their house blah blah blah

and to present day - I'm feeling really dead right now, probably cause i feel like i want to vomit =( my stomach feels very bad, feels like its about to bursts ugh. I think i've been drinking too much orange juice today.

Schools in a week, i really don't want to go =/ I reckon i probably forgotten all my maths and stuff. Screwed myself over.

But on the bright side I watched Invictus yesterday and it was excellent movie and today i watched Sherlock holmes. It was good but it wasn't as good, probably because of my stomach =/.