Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bulding my Quotes

Ah just read a manga and saw a nice quote ;)

"The rain subsided, but - the storm in my heart was still raging"

And here's some other quotes I have:

"Heaven knows we need never be shamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlaying our hard hearts"


"When I play rock paper scissors, I always choose rock. then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, oh siht I’m sorry, I thought paper would protect you, you as$hole."

"Once upon a time"

p.s copied from FB LOL!

And a final one which is gonna sound so lame cause it's from an animation so unless you watch the animation it'll look like total sh!t

Here goes nothing:

"I was very, very loney but,
Before I could call out..
I realised I didn't have a name to call.
I called out for 'someone'.
I was calling in my heart.
And then you came.
Can you tell me your name?
Next time, I'll make sure to call it out loud."

I had heaps more quotes, and they were beautiful or funny or amazing or the combination but cause my comp formatted a while before I lost everything.. :( I use to have a folder named "random stuff" and i just chucked all my crap in there xD so that my desktop would look clean :P

Anyways I'm so tired so I'm gonna sleep

Nights and aterlays

Thursday, September 15, 2011

1 week left!

Only 1 Week left of school! I finish this time next week and then 3 weeks after I have my finals! Gonna move to the next phase of my life!

Gonna be sad tho cause I'm not gonna be seeing around 80% of the people I know... I'm only gonna be keeping in touch with the people i hang out...btw did I post this before? feels like I have.. might have been thinking about posting but forgot lol... I usually have so many ideas I want to post about but they never happen cause i Dont' bother with them lol.

My thumb and index on my left and are fking up..well the skin's so terribad

My school decided to make this time capsule thing and we're gonna open it 25 years later lol. I'm gonna write some lame, cheesy, sentimental letter to my future

Anyways blabber on w/ no meaning aterlays

*edit* I have fail fortitude... I ended installing sims 3 like 2 days later or something and WoW 3-4 days later and I'm currently playing it atm epic phailzors and as a certain some1 would say feelsbadman.jpeg

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bloody Bus Driver

Right, I saw my bus and ran straight for it and when I got there waved my hand, signaling the driver to let me on as the door had just closed. Instead that Dickhead-and-a-half ignored me and continued to look forward and drove off.. What a fucking dickhet man

On a side note I uninstalled all my games in hoping that I could study but it's very difficult coping atm.. >.< Hopefully I can adapt by tmrw as time is of the essence

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I know this is kinda inappropriate and stuff and I'm not even suppose to be reading this right before my exam but I was reading manga and stumbled upon a NTR...and read it and......GOD I FUCKING HATE NTR! BIGGEST FUCKING RAGE EVAAAAAR FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

my mood meter just skyrocketed to RAGE! Argh.. Why do people have to make NTRs...horrible stuff I say, Horrible!

niiways laters...gonna head of to school soon for dah exam...just needed to blow of some of the NTR steam

p.s bloody NTR :/

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can't stop thinking..

I have a habit of reminiscing about the past whenever I'm alone or idle. I hate that habit but I can't stop myself thinking about the past..I usually think about the embarrassing moments and drown my face with my hands >.<

^ was just going through my youtube favourites and stumbled upon that. After listening to it, I felt depressed :/ and seeing it being posted 4 years ago made me realise how far I've gone and how different things were once then........

ANYWAYS fun fact about me... Sometimes I have mad random mindfucks and i become think i mentioned this in earlier posts but oh der werlls

*edit* I just wanna point out that I'm normal and not in any way mentally retarded or I know that it might sound like it but I'm not...ahaha...I sound very convincing don't I....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A break..

So I have a 5 day break before my next exam hurray! and my sleeping habit has fixed itself (supposedly) I slept a total of 14 hours last night and woke up at 10am lol. My back hurts a lot though lol

just a mini update lol

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tempo changed sleeping habits

So like I changed my sleeping habits this past week and basically it goes like this:

Sleep at 2-3pm in the afternoon
Wake up at 12-1am in the morning and supposedly study through dawn and go to school..

So right now I'm having my trials and I pretty much failed english / (going to) maths

other subjects seem fine..hopefully lol..

aaaand back to the sleeping habit thing.. so I'm suppose to study right? but I've been procrastinating :/ I usually start doing work at like 3ish.. and I don't do as much as I wanted.. which sucks :(

and I better get back to studying......

*edit* completely forgot lol.. This sleep habit of mine is gonna go back to normal after today as I got no tests/ school until next Wednesday. So after my test today I'm gonna go sleep and sleep til tmrw morn like probs 7am but I doubt I'll sleep that much, probs gonna wake up earlier

p.s that song i linked before.. sounds horrible It was a one time thing...Guess this is what haps if you listen to it a lot especially in repeat for hours :/ like i wouldn't recommend it at all.......

niiways i better go back and stop procrastinatingzoooors

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Far out lately I've been bludging so hard oh my I've got my trials tmrw and I can't even be fucked doing some work.. I got home from school today at 1 and procrastinated til now - 7pm wtffff

p.s so much shit has happened but I keep forgetting to post which leads me to forget the feeling/ what happened..

*edit* just read my previous post, i failed to change my sleeping habits. When my holidays came I kinda slept late 1am-ish and woke up at like 10-11 so yeh.. lol..

Monday, June 20, 2011

Changing sleeping habits

So I didn't sleep yesterday but when I got home to day I slept at 5 and woke up like 1am-ish

Made me think about changing my sleeping habits cause it's too loud during the night for me to study; my dad watches tv, mum and dad walks around, occasionally my bro too, yada yada yada..

Like right now it's super quiet, and it feels like another word that comes out of my mouth will wake everyone up lol but I still feel tired that's the thing, so idk :S maybe it's cause i haven't slept for a day lol

oh yeah lol, like Since I hadn't slept at all yesterday I was thinking of sleeping for like 2 hours or so after school and I should've woken up at like 7:30ish but I didn't. Instead I woke up at 1am-ish which pretty much fucked me up since I had a test tmrw/today. When I woke up I was like fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck and when I stood up I was like this is hangover Malcolm's style xD.. later my mum woke up to go to the toilet and I asked her what happened cause like I told her to wake me up, I also set an alarm on my phone which didn't go on and couldn't find when I woke up. She told me that my alarm did go off, she did come wake me up but we apparently both agreed that I should go back to sleep LOL much?

well anyways I think I've procrastinated enough gonna go back to studying lol

autobots roll out

Sunday, June 19, 2011



First time staying up/Having an all nighter studying lol

I can see the sun rising atm hahaha, its very beautiful ;)

and that song I linked before, best song to study with ever, it's so calm and relaxing

that just reminded me that I wanted to say that 1 coffee actually kept me wide awake for the whole night! Although I'm kinda yawning a bit now, gonna get energy drink maybe to keep me awake for the day lol, hope i don't OD LOL!

blah i finished summarising all my ancient notes which will supposedly help me lol but I don't think I'll remember much haha GL me!! Dx

niiways aterlays and wish me luck :D

Sooooo Uckfayed...

Okay so I have this lazy habit of procrastinating.. Fucking terrible, horrible. I set out a planned timetable to do my work and instead it failed, and now I'm left with all the work due the night before. GOOD WORK MALCOLM! GOOD WORK!

Lol and just a moment ago my friend called me and asked me about a question which I didn't do on the booklet and I uttered complete bullshit and it was right LMAO go me! pretty epic, celebrated a bit after :L

Anyways the other day I hit my head on the bus, lost balance and barely made it out of the bus standing (getting off at my stop). Pretty fail yet epic at the same time :D.

Song so good, so catchy I wish I could sing that good

still kinda liked original better cause of chris' dance, although it looks weird and gay, it looks cool and epic xD

Alrights, I'm gonna geets (always wanted to say that but won't do so in RL cause it's vernon's thing hahaha)

Aterlays lligatoranays haha

p.s I am procrastinating right now lol

Sunday, May 22, 2011

6 months

Been six months since the last post :O lol. I get lazy easily lol which sucks... reminds me of the last holiday.. about 5-7 weeks ago. I was so pumped, pumped with energy to learn piano songs lol. Spent around 3 days learning and then cbf'd lol..

Well that's it for tonight people..Gotta go back to stuuudyiiin brah